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Singer. Songwriter. Musician.

Discover my new single; I'll Never Let You Down.
Now available On Spotify
, Bandcamp and other platforms!



Keith Nellie is a rising artist whose musical talents are now available online. Keith is a fine and versatile vocalist who has been singing professionally for over two decades; he is also a composer and a self-taught musician playing mainly acoustic and electric guitar and although left-handed he plays right.

With humble beginnings and no available resources in his young life in his native Dominica, Keith’s innate musical verve tapped out rhythms on a one-note makeshift wooden “marimba” and later taught himself to play music on his grandfather’s old guitar. Much matured now, his talents have bloomed in Canada since immigrating with his family to Québec as a young teenager.


Keith is a serious and versatile performer whose influences began with Classical Music and moved on to Ballads, Urban, R&B and Soft/Pop Rock. He has also collaborated as a vocalist with other artists including Peakafeller, his former producer.

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